A more or less updated bookshelf. Books in bold I found especially interesting.


Politics and Political Science

  • Building an Authoritarian Polity - Gill
  • Nations and Nationalism - Gellner
  • Power Sharing in Deeply Divided Places - McEvoy & O'Leary
  • The Choice for Eurpoe - Moravcsik
  • An Accidental Brexit - Welfens
  • Voting - Bereleson
  • Institutions and Ethnic Politics in Africa - Posner
  • Insurgent Collective Action and Civil War in El Salvador - Wood
  • Reflections on the Revolution in France - Burke
  • Territorial Sovereignty - Stilz
  • Constructivist Theories of Ethnic Politics - Chandra (ed)
  • Just and Unjust Wars - Walzer
  • Colonialism and Postcolonial Development - Mahoney
  • Political Order and Inequality - Boix
  • American Diplomacy - Kennan
  • Ethnic Federalism - Turton (ed)
  • Ending Empire - Spruyt
  • The Origins of Totalitarianism - Arendt


  • Emile - Rousseau
  • A Treatise on Toleration - Voltaire
  • Utopia - More
  • Critique of Practical Reason - Kant 
  • On Taste - Burke
  • On Beauty and the Sublime - Burke
  • The World as Will and Representation - Schopenhauer
  • The Birth of Tragedy - Nietzsche
  • The Myth of Sisyphus - Camus
  • Inventing the Enemy - Eco
  • Tractatus - Wittgenstein
  • On the Origin of Language - Herder & Rousseau

Business and Economics

  • Onward - Schultz
  • Shoe Dog - Knight
  • The Ride of a Lifetime - Iger
  • The Amazon Way on IOT - Rossman
  • Hit Refresh- Nadella, et al.
  • The Bezos Letters - Anderson
  • No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention - Hastings, Meyer
  • The Master Algorithm - Domingos
  • Growth - Smil
  • The Lean Startup - Ries
  • Build - Fadell 

Education and Learning

  • Make It Stick - Brown, et al.
  • Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties - Kilpatrick
  • Curriculum Development - Boyle
  • Mathematical Mindsets - Boaler
  • The Knowledge Gap - Wexler


  • Napoleon, A Life - Roberts
  • Menace to Empire - Jung
  • FDR, An Intimate History - Miller
  • The Fall of Yugoslavia - Glenny
  • Cicero - Everitt
  • History of Japan - Kampfer
  • Conversations with Myself - Mandela
  • Personal Memoirs - Grant
  • The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt - Shaw
  • A Short History of Byzantium - Norwich
  • Norway Sweden - Indgren
  • Goethe - Himself